It is small and quite crowded in the front by the bar. The music sets the mood for a fun and elevated but lively time. Taking notes to make reservations for the dining room to compare experiences.
I had just had champagne @lestroischeveaux and I wanted to continue that journey so I had had the sparkling Chenin Blanc.
You all know I am a stickler for certain things including my tasting the wine before a full pour… but luckily this had a great flavor of light butter with fullness and salinity. I mean it is an ex-Le Bernadin and Daniel chef in the kitchen and Le coucou sommelier alum restaurant so no fears or worries there…
I was not sure if I was going to have a full meal here but… then I looked at my neighbors plate :-). I see honeynut squash topped with quinoa and pepitas… all foods that I enjoy so I decided to give the food a try.
I settled on the royal trumpet to start and the Bison (skirt steak) as my main. I took in the crowd as I waited for my meal. It is a diverse and eclectic crowd. I know I am certainly overdressed in my all white cleavage down to my waist bearing dress but I feel good… workouts are paying off! I love how friendly the maitrè d is… such a bundle of joy.

Starting with mushrooms. The first thing I reached to taste was the macadamia nut purée and wow was it good. There is a very pungent flavor of meat based stock… I think chicken but it is definitely fattier than that. The trumpet mushrooms had their natural earthy taste with a ring of sweetness to it. Having all pieces together and I had a food orgasm in my mouth. There is balance achieved on a scale that I cannot describe… and that is saying a lot for me. You have earthy juices with splashes of spice and sweet playing against each other. Absolutely lovely! This place is giving some very serious Nix from John Fraser vibes on food. I really cannot believe there is no meat in this dish! @chefjohnfraser you have serious competition if you decide to reopen Nix.

Next was the bison served on parsnip purée with cipollini onions. The parsnip purée is everything! I could curl up in my bed with Chris Pine and a bowl of this and have a lovely evening by myself. Yes I admit it! Chris Pine is my husband in my head… and I do not want to get married so that is saying something! The bison is beyond tender and while you can taste the gaminess, it is not overwhelming. Having the steak with the parsnip purée elevates it to levels that are amazing on the palate.
This was my evening here @thewelsey and I will most definitely be back for more